Dmitri's HTPC Project

Dmitri Lenna's log of his attempt to build a Home Theater PC or Media PC as it's sometimes called. He plans to describe all the steps he takes, both sucessful and not so successful, so that ohers may learn from his experiences.


Sunday, March 27, 2005

Hope you all had a great weekend! I spent a little cash this weekend, getting me to a solid point in my project. Saturday I picked up a Western Digital Caviar SE 250GB drive from Circuit City. They had it for $80 after $100 in rebates. With that, the difference between the price difference of the 250 and the 320 became too large to ignore. I also just ordered a Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-150MCE. Once that comes in I'll start playing with some of the PVR and front end software, so I can decide on the best solution.

Upon reflection I should have been moving this way from the beginning. I was focused on the case because I wanted to start the construction, which is great if I'm building from scratch, but I'm not. I have an existing machine and strong questions about software, including O/S. I said earlier that I had removed Windows MCE from the running, because it wouldn't let you burn DVDs of TV shows it had recorded and lacked some support for maintaining my own DVD library. Cost was also a concern but I hadn't taken a look at the costs of some of the competing front ends. In the end it may be cheaper to go with MCE (since I have to buy an O/S anyway) and pick up seperate software that bridges the gap between what I want and what MCE has, if that is the best solution.


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